Driving towards inclusive mobility by redefining Dodge's identity with accessibility


The project was completed during my internship at Stellantis and aimed to address the inherent challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in driving experiences, particularly those related to audio and visual impairments. It sought to redefine Dodge's identity by prioritizing accessibility, aligning with the brand's legacy as the epitome of the American muscle car while embracing the future of electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous driving.

Understanding the Need:
Recognizing the disparity in driving opportunities for individuals with disabilities, the project sought to create a more inclusive driving experience by leveraging evolving technology.
Embracing Dodge's Identity:
Leveraging Dodge's iconic status and association with power and innovation, I aimed to integrate accessibility seamlessly into Dodge's brand identity.
Prioritizing Accessibility:
Understanding the significance of accessibility in driving, particularly for individuals with visual and audio impairments, drove the project's focus on inclusive design principles.

Challenges Faced:
Cultural Shift:

Overcoming entrenched perceptions within the automotive industry regarding accessibility and inclusive design posed a significant challenge.
Technical Implementation:
Implementing features to address visual and audio impairments required careful consideration of technical feasibility and user experience.
Maintaining Brand Identity:
Balancing the integration of accessibility features with Dodge's iconic brand identity while ensuring authenticity and coherence posed design challenges.

Solutions Implemented:
Comprehensive Research:
Qualitative research provided insights into the experiences and challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in driving, informing the design process. Then proceeded in creating personas representing individuals with visual and audio impairments facilitated empathy-driven design, guiding the development of accessibility features.
Journey Mapping Before and After Accessibility Showcase:
Mapping the driving experience before and after the integration of accessibility features identified pain points and opportunities for improvement. With visual representations of the driving experience before and after the implementation of accessibility features highlighted the impact of inclusive design.
Future Vision:
Developing a roadmap for integrating smart technology and AI to enhance accessibility features in the future, ensuring a seamless and inclusive driving experience.

Outcome and Conclusion:
The project resulted in a transformative initiative to redefine Dodge's identity with accessibility at its core. By integrating accessibility seamlessly into Dodge's brand identity and embracing future trends in EVs and autonomous driving, the project paved the way for a more inclusive future in automotive design.

This case study showcases the ability to tackle complex societal challenges through innovative design solutions, leveraging technology to promote inclusivity and accessibility. Through empathy-driven design, user-centered research, and strategic planning, the project demonstrates proficiency in addressing diverse user needs and fostering a more inclusive future in mobility.