Revitalizing cultural narratives by redesigning the Hall of African People at the American Museum of Natural History


The American Museum of Natural History tasked our team with revamping the Hall of African People, which had long suffered from neglect and presented a one-dimensional view of Africa's rich history. The approach centered on integrating Meta Layers, interactive elements added to static objects, to provide a more immersive and educational experience for visitors.

Identifying the Problem:
Recognizing the limitations of the current displays in conveying the complexities and diversity of Africa's past and present.
Understanding Audience Needs:
Acknowledging the importance of catering to the learning styles of visual learners, who constitute a significant portion of the museum's visitors.
Emphasizing Cultural Diversity:
Prioritizing the representation of Africa's diverse religious beliefs and cultural heritage.

Challenges Faced:
Static Displays:

Overcoming the challenge of static displays that lacked interactivity, hindering visitors' ability to fully engage with the artifacts.
Cultural Sensitivity:
Addressing the sensitive issue of artifacts being removed from their original religious contexts and the ethical considerations surrounding their display.
Educational Depth:
Ensuring that the redesigned exhibit not only entertained but also educated visitors about Africa's rich history and cultural significance.

Solutions Implemented:
Integration of Meta Layers:

Introducing interactive elements to static objects, such as projected displays and augmented reality features, to bring the artifacts to life and provide context for visitors.
Immersive Experience:
Utilizing projectors strategically placed throughout the hall to create immersive displays that incorporate text, images, audio, and video, enhancing visitors' understanding of the artifacts' historical and cultural significance.
Interactive Engagement:
Encouraging physical interaction by prompting visitors to step up to each case, fostering deeper engagement and enabling them to explore the exhibits from multiple perspectives.

Outcome and Conclusion:
The redesigned Hall of African People now offers a dynamic and immersive experience that encourages visitors to explore Africa's rich cultural heritage. By integrating Meta Layers and emphasizing interactive engagement, we have succeeded in revitalizing the exhibit and providing visitors with a deeper understanding of Africa's diverse religious beliefs and cultural traditions. Moving forward, we remain committed to exploring innovative ways to engage and educate museum audiences, ensuring that cultural narratives are respectfully and accurately represented.